WS_FTP Professional SP1
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen das erste ServicePack für WS_FTP Pro 2006 vorstellen zu dürfen.
Um WS_FTP Pro auch in Zukunft als führende und weltweit bekannteste Lösung des Datentransfers zu platzieren, hat Ipswitch bereits erste Verbesserungen veröffentlicht.
Für die Installation des WS_FTP Pro 2006 SP1 benötigen Sie eine aktuelle WS_FTP Pro 2006 Lizenz.
Das WS_FTP Pro 2006 SP1 beinhaltet eine Vielzahl an Fehlerbehebungen:
- Fixed crash when retrying connection after editing the port number.
- File stamp date and time are now correctly displayed regardless of mask.
- File times are now preserved properly on upload when Preserve File time option is selected in Site Profile.
- Folders that are auto-created remotely with linked folders now appear immediately.
- Uploads and downloads via HTTP now work properly with the scheduler.
- Turning off the display of text below icons, in the workspace options, now functions properly.
- In the Synchronize utility, the Cancel function now works properly.
- Accessing the first workspace listed through Connect->Workspace now works properly.
- MOVE now deletes the original file after successful transfer.
- A Script file can now be loaded from the command line in Windows 98 SE.
- 2006 ftpscrpt now works on Windows 98.
- An Email Notification now sends a properly formatted HELO command.
- Workspace now saves the Sort order before closing.
- When not using a Saved Workspace, the local startup folder will be retrieved from the Site profile.
- Fixed a refresh problem when using the folder history box, or after transfer.
- Status in the Information Window now correctly shows Fail when permission is denied when transferring a folder.
- Scripting now correctly shows a failure message for mget and rget.
- The Information Window location is now saved properly.
- ALT-a now sets focus in the Address field on the Quick Connect Bar.
- Fixed a problem that occurred when dragging a file from c: to a hot drop icon.
- Arrange Folders option works correctly for remote sites.
- Local view is now refreshed properly when files are downloaded via HTTP.
- Disabled the context menu for the recycle bin folder to prevent crash on some operating systems.
- Fixed a problem in saving single pane view.
- Fixed an Auto Hide button for the Information Window when docked on left side.
- The Startup local file mask is now applied correctly upon connection.
- The Delete command now works properly in "My Documents" folder.
- Fixed a problem when "Moving" files within the same remote site.
- With the "Prompt for saving workspaces changes" enabled, the Workspace now properly prompts for changes in local or remote command bars to be saved.
- Fixed a problem with the local pane context menu on Windows 98 causing a system error message.
- When resizing the Site Manager window, the Rename button now moves properly.
- Local folder history is now saved properly in the Recent Folder listbox.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when importing a client certificate.
- Fixed issues with startup folder duplication on MVS.
- GET command in scripting now works when retrieving to a drive other than the drive on which the program is installed.
- Fixed a broken help link.
Holen Sie sich noch heute den SP1 für Ihre WS_FTP Pro 2006 Lizenz hier
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Stefan Kausch
Application Development
+49 (0)7152 - 93 93 10
+49 (0)7152 - 93 93 11