SP1a für WhatsUp Professional ab sofort verfügbar!
Wichtige Fehlerbehebungen durch das SP1a finden Sie im Folgendem:
Änderungen in UP Aktionen:
- Up actions no longer fire after a device comes out of Unknown state (and maintenance).
- The engine will filter all unknown states from the device/monitor state history. Thus, transitions to unknown and back to the state before unknown won't cause actions to be executed again.
- If devices transition to maintenance and back will still fire the actions, so if the users don't want the up actions to be executed again they should make them dependant on a down state (for example Down0).
- The engine will not reload monitors when it puts the devices into and out of maintenance, so the recorded state history before the scheduled maintenance will persist and up actions will execute as appropriate- always when not dependant on down state, and conditionally based on whether the down dependency was met.
- When the Engine service is restarted, the state history for the monitors and devices is lost. Any down states will occur again in order to execute up actions that depend on them.
- Prior to this release the very first up action on device or monitor was filtered out, this was done so the up actions won't execute when new devices are added or discovered. The reason for that was that the action assistant in the discovery wizard did not set a dependency on Down for the up actions by default. This is now changed
- The discovery assistant will make the up actions dependant on the first down state (Down0)
- The action manager will execute the up actions (if they don't depend on any state)after the devices are added or discovered.
- Custom Links in the web interface have been updated to allow for & and = characters.
- In SP1, a problem occurred when there was a partial registry setting for either the single device or the regular discovery. A failure could occur without an error message. This has been fixed for SP1a.
- Installation was modified to fix a problem with SNMP Monitors when upgrading from the 2005 release to 2005 SP1.
- The %device.status Action variable has been changed to act as it did in the initial version of WhatsUp Professional 2005.
- Added an option in the configuration dialog for beepers to specify the characters used to end the transmission. (For example, this allows users in Japan to specify ## instead of #)
- Records in the ActiveMonitorSampleData table are now reused instead of deleted. This keeps sqlserver.exe from reaching 100% memory usage when under heavy statistical gathering loads.
- MaxNumberOfRetries and RetryDelay values have been exposed in the registry for Beeper/SMS/Pager Actions. The number of retries has been increased from 10 times to 30 times once per minute. RetryDelay is set in the registry in ms (1000ms = 1 sec)
- HKLMSoftwareIpswitchNetwork MonitorWhatsUp PluginsActBeeper
- HKLMSoftwareIpswitchNetwork MonitorWhatsUp PluginsActPager
- HKLMSoftwareIpswitchNetwork MonitorWhatsUp PluginsActSMS
- MaxNumberOfRetries and RetryDelay values have been exposed in the registry for SMTP email actions. The defaults for email actions is to retry 10 times once per minute.
- HKLMSoftwareIpswitchNetwork MonitorWhatsUp PluginsActSMTPMail
- WhatsUp Engine Service does not start on reboot. In some occasions during reboot (especially when there is anti-virus software installed on the system) SQL Server on 2003 server starts but is not initially ready to accept connections. To account for this extra delay WUP 2005 SP1a tries to connect to SQL server for configurable time during startup before giving up. (60 sec by default) This timing can be further adjusted in the registry. HKLMSoftwareIpswitchNetwork MonitorWhatsUp
- Engine2005SettingsSQL Server Connection Delay Start.
- Correction to SQL Injection Vulnerability on login found by iDEFENSE Security Advisory [IDEF0952] and Secunia Research [Ref No:1-19781] (http://secunia.com/advisories/15503/)
Geänderte Daten:
Under- configureactionbuilder3.asp
- configureactionbuilder4.asp
- configuredevicemenu.asp
- configuremenubuilder.asp
- utility endermap.asp
- pluginsactions3e24a565-96c0-412b-b0e5-3c877376223ddefault.asp
Non-Textual Änderungen:
- (removal of an extraneous non-printable character at the end of the file)
- bulkchangeattributes.asp
- bulkchangedependency.asp
- bulkchangedevicetype.asp
- bulkchangesnmpreadcommunity.asp
- bulkchangesnmpwritecommunity.asp
- configureactionblackoutbuilder.asp
- configuredependenciesbuilder.asp
- configuremaintenancebuilder.asp
- configurepminstance1.asp
- grouppickerhelper.asp
- message.asp
- usercreate.asp
- useredit.asp
- usergroupaccess.asp
- usergroupchangeaccess.asp
- usergroupchangeaccessexplorer.asp
- usermanagement.asp
- verifyldapcredentials.asp
- pluginsactivemonitors20816756-7dd5-4400-adb8-63d9c2147b97servicelist.asp
- reportsheaderreport.inc
- reports eports.asp
- reportssystemactivediscoverylog.asp
- reportssystemactivediscoveryresults.asp
- reportssystempassivemonitorerrorlog.asp
- utilitygrouppicker.asp
- utility401.asp
- utilitymessagebox.asp
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Stefan Kausch
Application Development
+49 (0)7152 - 93 93 10
+49 (0)7152 - 93 93 11