Orion Application Performance Monitor (APM) - die neue Version ist da!
New in Orion APM v2
AppBuilder Wizard
Orion APM delivers a simple step-by-step wizard that makes it fast and easy to gain visibility into the performance of your servers. To get started, simply enter the IP address of any server on your network and Orion APM will automatically retrieve a list of available statistics to monitor. Next, select the statistics you want to monitor, or choose an Application Monitor Template. Application monitors work on Windows®, Linux, and Unix servers and can include component monitors for services, processes, ports, scripts, and WMI performance counters.
Community-Built Template & Script Library
With Orion APM, you can leverage the SolarWinds online community, Thwack, by implementing Application Monitor Templates and scripts created by other users. Orion APM's interactive web console offers direct links to browse, download, and share templates and scripts on Thwack, making it easy for community members to benefit from each other's custom monitors and saving everyone valuable time. Orion APM will even alert you when new templates are posted, so you can easily expand your monitoring capabilities and try new things!
User-Experience Monitors
Orion APM enables you to measure application performance from an end user's perspective with out-of-the-box SaaS monitoring and support for HTTP, HTTPS, DNS, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle®, and other ODBC databases. This Quality of Experience (QoE) measurement gives you a heads up on problems and helps ensure that your users are happy with the performance of the applications that they rely on.
Open Source Script Processor
A huge and growing collection of Nagios scripts is used globally to monitor thousands of network services; and we know that many of you rely on these open-source scripts for tasks like confirming the completion of daily backups. That's why we built a script processor into Orion APM that enables you to convert any Nagios script into a format that Orion APM can use to schedule and run jobs and report on results. Now you can leverage your own Nagios scripts or those in third-party script libraries to extend Orion APM's monitoring coverage.
Universal WMI Performance Monitors
Orion APM makes it easy for you to remotely monitor WMI performance counters, so that you can identify and resolve application issues before users are impacted. Adding WMI monitors is as simple as clicking on a server icon, browsing the list of available counters, and selecting the ones you would like to add.
Performance Warning System
If Orion APM detects a downward decline in application performance, you'll be immediately alerted before the situation escalates into a disaster. Orion APM relies on pre-configured or user-defined performance thresholds and sends alerts when these thresholds are crossed. Four tiers of thresholds can be established (good, warning, critical, and down) to help you quickly assess the difference between a system that is up, but performing poorly, and a system that is about to fail.
Windows and Linux Script Monitors
If you have written your own Windows, Linux, or Unix scripts to monitor application health indicators that are not available through SNMP or WMI, you can now integrate these into Orion APM. With just a few clicks, you can schedule their execution and report and alert on their output.
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Stefan Kausch
Application Development
+49 (0)7152 - 93 93 10
+49 (0)7152 - 93 93 11